Riverside Commons was in front of the Plymouth Common Council last Monday to request the property be designated as an Economic Revitalization Area (ERA). This is the first step in obtaining a Tax Abatement for the project. The excerpt to the right is from the article in The Pilot News, July 18, 2020 edition.

Riverside Commons is the IHCDA LIHTC project that was included in the Marshall County Stellar Strategic Investment Plan. The project is a scattered site project with one site including 40 units in Plymouth and the other site with an additional 8 units in LaPaz. The Plymouth site is at the NW corner of Baker Street and Richter Road.

Solomon Development Group is working with us on this project to provide property and help us through the tax abatement application process. They are the developers of Riverside Meadows, the PUD in which Riverside Commons will be built and from which it derived its name.

Assisting this project was part of Plymouth’s commitment to the Stellar application and fits well into their initiative to provide additional housing in Plymouth. The recent addition of Rivergate South address part of the issue and now Riverside Commons will address another portion. We sincerely hope that the Common Council will approve the Tax Abatement when it comes before the council on the 27th.